Straight From Those Who Are Still Colouring...
Nothing warms the heart more than receiving moving and humbling testimonials from those we have assisted.
Please read some of the many testimonies showing how Broken Crayons Still Colour helped these victims become survivors.
what are our beauties saying about us...
We are always very humbled to receive testimonials from those we have helped.
You will notice that some of our survivors have chosen to post anonymously because their safety is still paramount.
Read these beautiful testimonials which testify how Broken Crayons Still Colour Foundation impacted their lives

Escape Date | June 2018
"She gave me strength when it had been squished out of me..."
I was forwarded to Rach through a friend while sitting outside a court to apply for a family violence restraining order for my baby & myself,After my ex partner has once again used a visitation to intimidate, abuse and threaten myself & my daughter, I was lost with no body to turn to who had been in this situation.
Rach walked me through the process even though she didnt know me from a bar of soap, She gave me strength when it had been squished out of me over the years of torment and controlling abuse.
And still as I go through the long road of court hearings & revengeful scare tactics from my ex, I now have someone I can turn to who is living it with me to turn my tears and worry to calm in a single phone call day or night.
That is broken Crayons a foundation of survivors for survivors & when I was once ashamed, I am now proud.
Thank You Rach and the broken crayons family for putting me back together again & again x
"I found my worth and my truth..."
I am a member of your foundation and it is fantastic and it is important for me to say Thank You.
Without this group just being an observer I found my worth and my truth after 2.5 years of being with my abuser, a ruptured spleen ,and to many broken ribs and black eyes to count. Today I did it with the support of a few family & friends that believe in me.
Thank You for spreading awareness and breaking the silence XXX

Escape Date | June 2018

Escape Date | September 2017
"Gave me hope & inspiration I needed..."
I was pregnant & had a 1 year old when I left my DV home with nothing but a few small bags of clothes after spending two months in a refuge.
I found a place i could call home, but I had nothing to put in it & I didnt know how I could provide for my kids even the most basic of things like a bed and pillows.
Rach Mac from Broken Crayons shone light in my darkness and showered me in kindness and a huge car load of donations, Not just the basics like kitchen supplies and bedding , baby items etc but a gift brought personally by her and I was given handbags and many personal things to get me started to decorate my new home.
These things may seem like nothing to the average person but when you are a victim of domestic violence and you have no choice but to leave everything behind for the safety of you and your kids these things mean the world.
Broken Crayons still Colour Foundation gave me hope & inspiration I needed to keep fighting and I knew I was not alone.
They are a community of survivors that become family who are always there for continual help & support that I am and will forever be grateful for
Rach Mac & Broken Crayons Thank You for giving me hope X
"Not only a warrior you are an earth angel ..."
Rach Mac leads an outstanding team to provide hands on support and guidance, her knowledge is second to none.
Rach gave me support and encouragement throughout my ordeal and helped me when no one else would. She not. only took me to hospital she held my hand as I gave my statement to police about my rape and beatings she found a safe haven and provided furnishings and essentials.
She gave me and my children meals and food hampers, and she even got school books and uniforms for my boys so they could fit in at their new school.
To this day she checks in on us weekly.
Rach you and Broken crayons saved my life.
You are not only a warrior you are an earth angel
I love you...

Melissa B
Escape Date | August 2017

Dee W.
Escape Date | September 2013
"Rach's foundation raises awareness..."
Hi, my name is Dee. I am a 33 year old mother of 5 and I am 5 years free from dv.
I am free from my abuser but I am not free of the physical and mental scars carried by myself and my 2 oldest children.
I found Rach Mac and her foundation a few months ago and the support and love she offers her beauties amazes me. I still suffer from PTSD and other disorders and I found myself isolating myself after the years of abuse. I can't erase the things said and done to me over the years but finding Rach and her foundation has taken away the constant feeling of shame. I am a survivor, a warrior and Rach and her amazing team have shown me that. I am no longer ashamed. I am proud to be apart of this foundation and proud to be the strong independent woman I am today.
I only wish I had found Rach back in 2013 on one of the most horrific days of my life when I finally found the courage to leave. I had no money, nowhere to go, no food, no car. My abuser had taken my keycard and let my license expire. I had 2 young children and lived 20 kilometers out of town. I had nothing!
I could write a thousand words on how I ended up in that situation but all I will say is it didn't happen over night and I didn't even realise it was happening until it was too late.
Rach's foundation raises awareness and provides information designed to help women identify these possessive traits early and realise the potential for danger. The foundation provides food and shelter for women who would otherwise stay to ensure our children are provided for or simply out of fear.
This foundation helps take away that fear, fear of facing it alone, fear of our abusers, fear of not being able to provide basic necessities for our children.
And so, so importantly this foundation pushes for the changes that need to be made to our laws to protect these women and children in the aftermath of their already tragic ordeal.
Rach Mac and her team are the voices of many, many women who have had their voices suppressed. She is a warrior for the fallen that can no longer fight and for the little ones that have lost so much, including their parents in some cases and she is an inspiration to those of us that have felt we would forever be defined by what happened to us!
Broken Crayons Still colour foundation is a heaven send and I only wish our political figures could open their eyes and realise that this foundation SAVES lives in so many ways.
Thank you Rach, Tara, Brooke and all the beauties from Broken Crayons for helping me realise that we may be broken but "we all still colour beautifully"
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