The Latest and Most Awakening News...

Keeping you up-to date with current and relevant news concerning family and domestic violence.

Help us put an end to domestic and family violence once and for all.

keeping you in the know...

At Broken Crayons Still Colour Foundation, we do our best to keep you up to date with everything that we are up to.

Below are some of our current articles and news updates about the foundation.

Please check back regularly and also be sure to subscribe to our mailing list for ongoing updates.


Join our mailing list and be sure to stay up to date with all the exciting things we are up to at Broken Crayons Still Colour Foundation. 

Rach Mac – National Social Change Maker 2024
News just in - National Social Change Maker Of The Year 2024 Rach Mac. Congratulations Rach!
Rach’s Non Fatal Strangulation Petition
NON FATAL STRANGULATION, CAN BE FATAL YEARS AFTER THE FACT ! "My legacy is that if police attend an DV[...]
Australian Small Business Champion Awards
Australia’s National Non Profit Organisation Of The Year 2024 Broken Crayons Still Colour Foundation
WA to get first shelter for male victims of domestic violence
Statistics reveal one in 18 men have experienced physical and/or sexual violence by a current or previous partner, while one[...]
Our Second Safe Haven, House of Colours
We are pleased to let you know that our second safe haven, House Of Colours is now open. Our second[...]
Introducing our new Removal Truck!
Let us introduce you to our new Removal Truck. Bam Bam Broken Crayons Still Colour Foundation removal truck is now[...]
New Merchandise Available
We have added some new merchadise for sale. The Sweatshirts are $60 each and the earrings are $15 a pair.[...]
National Family Safety Summit Speaker – Future Leader: Rach Mac
I would like to thank Third Sector News for highlighting my life saving work. I am very much looking forward[...]
Congratulations Rach Mac, winner of the Awards Australia Local Legend Award!
The Awards Australia Local Legends Award acknowledges those everyday people doing extraordinary things within their local communities. Rach Mac transformed[...]
The Fred Awards Recipient!
Congratulations to Rach Mac for following in Fred's footsteps by showing outstanding care and compassion for others! Please join with[...]
Read our Article in The West Australian
Rach Mac had an interview published in The West Australian on Wednesday 3rd May 2023. Read it below! The West[...]
Rach Mac on Youth Jam Radio
Domestic violence survivor and founder of Broken Crayons Still Colour Foundation, Rach Mac has been named as WA's 'Inspiring Woman[...]
Rach Mac ‘Inspiring Woman of the Year’ 2023
Congratulations Rach for taking out the award for 'Inspiring Woman of the Year'!
Rach Mac interview with 6PR Radio
My Voice will be heard My Message is clear I refuse to be SILENCED My Interview with 6PR Radio today[...]
National Local Legend
So this happened yesterday & I was so moved & shocked, I needed to process before I made the announcement.[...]
Finalist for Women of the Year Awards – Wellbeing Magazine
So this just happened oh my goodness! I am a finalist for Women Of The Year Awards - Wellbeing Magazine.[...]
Champion Community Service Award!
I am very very proud to announce last night …. Australian Womens Champion Awards, Broken Crayons Still Colour Foundation WON[...]
New Product: BCSC Safety Key Chains
Window smasher Emergency Alarm Mini sanitiser Distress whistle Key chain Bottle opener Large soft Pom Pom ( like a stress[...]
Rach Mac on YouthJam – Supporting Victims of Domestic Violence.
Did the Labor budget do enough for organisations supporting victims of domestic violence? The Founder of Broken Crayons Still Colour,[...]
7NEWS Perth Change Champion Award
I am absolutely thrilled to announce that Broken Crayons Still Colour Foundation won 7NEWS Perth CHANGE CHAMPION AWARD. I was[...]
House of Colours
Broken Crayons Still Colour Foundation has its first transitional safe home, we have named House of Colours. Our team has[...]
New Sponsors
Broken Crayons Still Colour Foundation welcomes three new sponsors; Car Hub Australia Galvin Engineering Quarry Contracting BCSC thank you for[...]
Rach Mac Wins Awards
Rach Mac wins International Women Changing the World award, Women's champion & Overcoming the Odds Awards. Congratulations Rach!
Rach Mac: Appointed to the Centre For Women’s Safety and Well-being Board
Centre for women's safety & wellbeing (CWSW) announced their lived experience advisory board & Rach Mac now sits on the[...]
Rach was recently featured on 7 News - here is the link to watch.
Rach Mac: Minister Should Resign
Rach Mac is the founder of the Broken Crayons Still Colour Foundation and says the Minister for Women's Interest &[...]
Thank You to Goldfields Security Service
I want to give a massive love filled Thank You to Goldfields Security Service Who have donated a $5000 towards[...]
Women’s Business Awards
Rach Mac International Finalist Women’s Business Awards
Cliniko Preferred Charity – 3rd Place!
Broken Crayons 3rd in Cliniko Preferred charity throughout Australia & New Zealand
Global Business Mother’s Awards
Rach Mac runner up in 3 categories Women’s Champion Award Over Coming The Odds Award Women Changing The World Award[...]
New Sponsors!
I am absolutely delighted to announce we have some very special gentlemen who  took me to lunch a few weeks[...]
Our New Emergency Relocation Vehicle!
So excited we did it raised enough funds to purchase our brand new emergency relocation vehicle
Award-winning TV series ‘Adventure All Stars’ aligns with Perth charity ‘Broken Crayons Still Colour Foundation’
Adventure All Stars is an award-winning TV travel show… WITH A DIFFERENCE. Pre-filming all real-life cast members raise funds for[...]
2021 P&N Community Awards Winner
Broken Crayons Still Colour Foundation has won P&N Community awards for their outstanding & recognised work in the community 2021[...]
Our Very Own Trailer!
A much needed addition was donated to our foundation  Our very own trailer, which is used for emergency relocations ,[...]
Introducing Colour Me Beautiful Safe Haven Counselling & Education
October 2020 the interior was completed Rach  & Suzie worked around the clock to convert a run down old garage[...]
Westfield Local Hero 2020
Rach Mac recognised for her outstanding work! Westfield Innaloo Local Hero 2020.
Stop The Reoccurring Violence?
Domestic and family violence has no set time line, victims are often abused again by the flawed system. We believe[...]
The Unrecognizable Damage
The damage may not be physically visible. But it can be either lethal or life changing. I for one can[...]
Domestic Violence Funding Cuts
New non people elect Prime Minister Scott Morrison cuts vital domestic violence funding. Putting at risk victims in a very[...]
Domestic Violence Awareness Month
October is domestic violence awareness month, my first question why is only one month in twelve dedicated to awareness and[...]
Broken Crayons Still Colour Christmas Drive
Our Broken Crayons Christmas Drive is in full swing A very generous member dropped off this huge bundle, making sure[...]
The Red Heart Campaign
For those who insist on asking what these women were doing before they were killed: Toyah Cordingley - Walking her[...]

using my voice on every platform available...

Feel free to watch and/or listen to some of our most current television and radio appearances where we speak out about domestic and family violence.

Supporting Victims of Domestic Violence

Rach Mac recently spoke with
Youth Jam radio

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