Standing Up For The Other's Who Are Impacted...
I might be a kid but I am a kid who witnessed a lot.
I want to help other kids understand domestic and family violence is not normal and it is not our fault.
We all react differently and that's okay.
Let's make a difference and do it for the other kids.
Join her mailing list and be sure to stay up to date with all the exciting things she is up to, and receive ongoing insights and inspiration.
Out of the mouth of milla...
I'm the daughter of Rach and I am sharing how I felt and what I saw through my own eyes…
I watched my beautiful mum die on the inside, I watched her change…
I watched her smile fade…
I saw her eyes filled with tears…
I watched her fake she was fine…
I noticed bruise after bruise appear, she tried to cover them but I'm not stupid I saw them…
I was angry, sometimes I still am. I was angry at my mum for not leaving sooner.
But now I know she was just scared, and trying to keep my brother and me safe as well as her.
But I'm angry at her abuser…
He hurt my mum in more ways than one and that was not okay, he never listened, he never cared, he was just a piece of shit…
He didn't deserve my mum and he did not deserve to be in the lives of my brother and me.
It sucks seeing your mum get hurt because a parent is supposed to be a role model, and to see them in their most vulnerable moment hurts.
Even though I was upset my mum didn't listen to me or those around her, I watched him hit her, strangle her until she was blue…
I watched him pour a strawberry milkshake all over her head…
The names he called her were so disgusting…
His eyes would budge, veins pooped out of his fat head and neck his fist clenched and I knew my mum was going to be hurt again…
I tried to help her and protect her…
I called police…
I hated his guts…
I knew he was going to squeeze her neck until it would break…
He was going to take my mum away from us…
I’m still glad she got out...
I wish it was sooner but it wasn’t…
At least she's out…
But what really sucks is that it wasn't over right then and there…
We had to go to the police and talk for AGES about this disgusting human being…
We also had to go to court many, MANY times and I never got a chance to speak because the bitch was too scared to show up...
He was a disgusting, pathetic disgrace of a person..

I couldn't understand how cruel, mean and horrible someone could be, to hurt the one you are supposed to love and care for...
It didn't process through my brain how someone can do that to another human being…
I don't understand how one can be so cruel….
I'm so angry that he continues to be the fattest asshole I ever met…
It’s supposed to be over…
He's supposed to leave us alone…
But that dumb ass can’t seem to get it through his thick fat head can he?
He keeps hurting my mum, he won’t leave her alone…
You know he's supposed to be in jail being some other criminals little bitch...
But he's not, because the stupid judicial system is just that, STUPID…
What kind of system lets a criminal walk free?
You know how much proof there is…
There’s so many...
And yet he's still walking the streets like he's innocent…
But he's not…
And the judicial system is failing us and many others…
He's a bad person, and all they're doing is helping it happen again…
He's going to hurt someone else…
He violates the restraining orders all the time...
He cannot just leave my mum alone, and the worst part is, is that we constantly have to look over our shoulder for a bald, ugly, disgusting egg head…
And we shouldn't have to live like that…
The judicial system needs to change, to protect victims and not criminals…
To out ass holes in jail who CLEARLY do the wrong thing…
I like getting my mind off the whole thing…
That’s why I paint, draw, edit, and sometimes do photography...
It helps a lot and it’s good if you find things that help you...
No matter what it is because it’s a terrible situation to be in and it can affect more than your home life…
It can affect your home life, school etc. etc.
I got suspended…
I had to go to counselling, and I was angry for a long time…

It’s very hard to see someone you thought you could trust, hurt someone you love...
It sucks…
It really does…
It’s hard...
I know…
But your mum probably needs you…
I bet she does…
It’s okay to be sad, angry, or pissed off…
Because it’s a terrible thing, that shouldn't be happening…
It’s terrible that the judicial system fails us and my family every single time and it’s terrible that he still messes with my mum…
I really wish it'd stop…
Because he shouldn't be allowed to have the power to do all these things…
He shouldn't be allowed to have a voice…
No asshole deserves a voice…
I wish it didn't happen, but if it didn’t my mum wouldn't be doing her best to help those who are in the same situation she was…
Unfortunately it happened to many people…
It shouldn't but it does...
But I'm glad there are people who actually put effort in to keep them safe and to help them.
I am very proud of my mum even though she still has to go through this nightmare she is saving other women and children
I don't think I'll ever fully recover from this, but I can promise you I will always be proud of my mum and love her.
Don't give up on your mum…
She's fighting not just for herself…
But for you
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