Lending A Helping Hand...
The more hands we have helping move our mission forward, the more women, men and children we can help.
The more women, men and children we help, the more peace we can provide.
ready to lend a helping hand...
There are lots of way you can lend a helping hand to our foundation...even if it starts with just caring about what we are up to and sharing our vision.
Some of the more direct ways to get involved are through donations, helping with our food hamper and cooking for a cause, emergency removals, providing emergency accommodations and safe havens, donating items and any other way that provides love, compassion and safety.
If you are ready to lend your helping hands, please fill out the form below and someone from our team will get back with you as soon as possible.
Everyone; even if they have not been directly effected by abuse, can help and make a big difference.
Thank you for your interest in helping Broken Crayons Still Colour Foundation!

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