Helping You Along Your Journey...
These helpful hints are composed to keep you safe from harm.
Remember Safety First.
Helping you make a smooth transition in to your new life...
For those who do not have first hand experience with domestic violence, please be mindful of offering advice to those who are experiencing it.
If you are unsure or see someone needing help.
Please contact me.
Thank You,
Rach Mac

Helpful Hint...
A word of advice, domestic violence can rear its ugly head at any given time you may of escaped years ago, you may have children with your ex abuser.
All of a sudden they reappear wanting to see their children.
If you do not have sole custody orders in place, this can be a highly terrifying time.
However running with your children is not a good idea.
They can get a recovery order and then you open yourself and your children into the chaotic and confusing world of family court which can take years.
I suggest if you are in this situation to apply immediately for a FVRO if you do not have one.
Also apply for an urgent hearing at family court for orders.
Do not Run...
I repeat DO NOT RUN...

Helpful Hint...
For those of you who have a VRO or FVRO or have exes facing criminal trials or family court matters
This is a warning.
Be very careful what you are posting on social media.
Not everyone in your circle is loyal...
Some love gossip & involving themselves in drama.
Defense lawyers are paid to get the perpetrators off and they will look for any information on you.
I suggest you re-check privacy settings on everything.
If you ever had a shared device such as laptop , iPad or even home computer change security settings so an SMS (message) is sent to your phone if your social media is activated from any other device other than your own .
Safety & privacy is paramount x

Helpful Hint...
Door and window security...
I have discovered peel and stick on alarms.
They are incredibly sensitive and very loud making you aware of an intruder and alerting neighbors.
These alarms can be purchased at Bunnings for $10.

Helpful Hint...
Those currently experiencing domestic violence...
It's very important you have a spare phone with all your contacts stored in it.
Often abusers will automatically take your phone, preventing you from seeking help.
Have your spare phone fully charged and turned off.
Hide phone in a place where he can't access it.
This is extremely important...
The spare phone doesn't need to be expensive but must have credit on it
It's often difficult to stay three steps ahead when experiencing domestic violence.
Also, only tell those you most trust about your spare phone and ask them to put your contact in as "HELP" so if you call off the spare phone they know you are seeking urgent help.
Remember always call police first.

Helpful Hint...
Domestic Violence is not just physical...
Abusers like to control...
It is imperative that you change everything.
Phone numbers
Email address
Bank accounts
Social media ( lock down privacy )
Codes to get into your devices
Change your name slightly on FB & instagram
Turn off locations on devices
Take back the control...

Helpful Hint...
If you are still in a domestic violence relationship and not ready to leave yet, it’s very important you photograph your injuries & send them to someone you trust, (abusers do smash & take our phones ) once again part of the control behavior.
These photographs can be used as proof & evidence if able please put the date you were injured on them
I am happy for you to send photographs to me if you like & I will file them
It’s another step in the process of leaving & exposing domestic violence.
Sending my love & strength to all those who are struggling at the moment. x

Helpful Hint...
Australia Post offers one year free mail redirection and secure mail box to victims of family and domestic violence.
Please visit your local post office to arrange.
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